Beasts Like Us
Title sequence, Film Poster, Promo DVD packaging
Beasts Like Us
Title sequence, Film Poster, Promo DVD packaging
Client Brief:
Sandymount strand in Dublin and Ireland’s legendary Natural History Museum are the key location of the beautiful yet disturbing short film Beasts Like Us from 2016.
Sandymount strand in Dublin and Ireland’s legendary Natural History Museum are the key location of the beautiful yet disturbing short film Beasts Like Us from 2016.
Our Response:
Inspired by these settings the title sequence, poster and promotional packaging all share the familiar yet peculiar sand coils made by the lug worm Arenicola marina paired with a vernacular with has associations of Natural history encyclopedias and plates.
Inspired by these settings the title sequence, poster and promotional packaging all share the familiar yet peculiar sand coils made by the lug worm Arenicola marina paired with a vernacular with has associations of Natural history encyclopedias and plates.
This project was awarded Best Packaging Design at the IDI Graduate Awards 2017.
Music by Cormorant Tree Oh
This project was awarded Best Packaging Design at the IDI Graduate Awards 2017.
Music by Cormorant Tree Oh