Bonanza Land!
IADT Visual Communications Graduate Exhibition 2017
Bonanza Land!
IADT Visual Communications Graduate Exhibition 2017

The concept for this project was born from the proposition that IADT is an Island—The Island of Art, Design and Technology. Away from the buzz and distractions of the city, Visual Communications students work in an intensely creative environment producing a bonanza of fantastical and innovative results. In order to entice visitors to make the journey out to this island to see the show, we needed to create a desirable and exciting destination.
The project required a promotional poster, social media campaign, promotional motion piece, website, and exhibition graphics & signage.
The project required a promotional poster, social media campaign, promotional motion piece, website, and exhibition graphics & signage.
We borrowed cues and marketing tools from the world of tourism and created a hyperreal holiday resort called BONANZA LAND! The very definition of bonanza is a large amount of something desirable, so for this reason the identity was ideal for the 2017 Visual Communications Graduate Showcase—a veritable Visual Communications bonanza!
Bonanza Land! is included in 2017 100 Archive Selection and also won the IDI Graduate Award for best use of illustration in design 2017.