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Irish Whiskey Magazine
Magazine Redesign

Client: Irish Whiskey Magazine

Client Brief:

The editor of the specialist publication Irish Whiskey Magazine approached us with a desire to redesign. The previous design was a bit chaotically put together, lacking a sense of cohesion and flow.
After a thoghrough review of the previous issues we identified the key problems of the design;

Too many design variables — typefaces, colours, stock illustrations and pagestyles that lowered the standard of the magazine.

No editorial structure — no subheadings or introductions to articles, categorisation or editorial sequencing, which is key to drawing the reader in.

Our Response:

We created a typographic grid system that allowed for continuity and flexibility. We stripped down the brand elements and chose just two typefaces, a handful of colours, a custom illustration style. 

We changed the format from standard A4 to a custom size that gives the magazine an air of exclusivity. Making for a more comfortable read, that oozes luxury and maturity.

We have established the new identity by employing this robust system within a slick new format.

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©2024 Bureau Bonanza

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Founding Creative Directors
Rachel Copley McQuillan & Stina Sandström

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